Farming would be the most valued Profession

Farming would be the most valued Profession

If the modern world collapses today, farming will be the most valued profession. The reason being is that the new society will not want smartphones, computers, or other technology; the only technology they will need will be how to grow food faster and in big quantities to feed the huge populations. The techniques we use today and the ones built from the past will be enough to sustain us, until we get back to that modern era we collapsed from.

In the past, a task took the whole day or maybe two or three, now that one task can take maybe half a day, which gives the farmer more time to take care of other chores. Let's look at the comparison between technologies and techniques from the past and now.

 The housing of animals was quite laborious not only for the farmers, but also for the poor animals. In the past, dairy cows were kept almost always outside, and some that were kept in barns, had nothing but bare earth to sleep on. Now, through extensive research from scientists and food growers, we have soft mattresses, sand, or water beds for the lucky cows of today. For the chickens of today, they have large in-door houses specifically made with the chicken and their egg's health in mind, so the consumer receives disease free chicken and eggs, whereas in the past, the chickens had almost an open house type of coop that kept them unsafe from predators like hawks and foxes. These coops also brought diseases from wild birds that might come across the livestock.

 Since our population has grown immensely over the past 50 years, so do our needs for food that can be attained quickly. This has brought the need for animals and fields to produce their fruits quicker, therefore inventing special diets for the animals and produce. In the past, a farmer can only feed 19 people, whereas now, a farmer is able to feed 155 people. Today, we have knowledge in regards to what type of diet can be given to which animal to get the best results. Also known as biotechnology, these special diets assist the farmers in getting large quantities of produce, dairy, and meat products. Seeds are planted in the fields with their 'special' diets either sprayed or planted with the seed. As for animals, their 'special' diets are given in their fodder and/or injected.

 Modern machinery has changed for the better when it comes to plowing the fields, earring the corns, or gathering hay to feed the cows just to name a few jobs. Tractors have advanced since their invention and now modern tractors have closed cabs with AC and radio. In the past, plowing was done through ox and cart and took literally the whole day. As we moved forward, the tractor took the place of an ox and cart, but it still needed modifications like a cushioned seat and a closed cab to protect from the elements. Now the tractor is what we know to be very comfortable, comparatively, and the tasks done through machinery takes only a couple hours. Cows were milked by hand, which was tough as sometimes the cow was not cooperative, and even though milking took hours, the milk machine would have half a bucket filled, and there was no such thing as pasteurization which kills the bacteria in cows milk to make it safe for humans to drink. Cue in the automatic suction machines, which not only made the farmer's life much easier, but the milking could be done in minutes, and the milk would be pasteurized right away to kill the harmful bacteria. Pasteurization prevents diseases like salmonella, ecoli, and listeria. Irrigation system has completely changed the way of farming; water is now evenly spread to all crops regardless of being big or small. Seeding is done rather quickly and effectively with the seeder, having evenly spread to all areas equally, so the results are the same.

 Modern technologies and techniques are built on the ones from the past. It is critical that we realize the importance of technology so in the future we will be more advanced than now.

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