Minnesota Big Woods Frozen Fall

This State Park is only a few miles from where I live, so we go there quick often. Their are lot's of trails for hiking and exploring hidden in there. It is absolutely gorgeous in all seasons.

Last week, took a hike to the falls. It was amazing. Tons of ice frozen over. I was in awwww land.
I suppose now this week with all the warm weather. It will start to thaw. I wonder, never have paid attention to it, but how long into Spring it takes, before all the ice is gone.

I love having this Minnesota State Park so close to us. Nothing more enjoyable then going out, sitting on a picnic table, with a bag of munchies, cooler full of "refreshments" and sit for hours, watching and listening.

The Big Woods in Minnesota

Nerstrand minnesota big woods frozen falls

nerstrand minnesota big woods frozen falls

nerstrand minnesota big woods frozen falls


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